Thursday, June 28, 2018

6 Simple Steps to Reduce Monthly Expenses

Studying your spending habits on a monthly basis is the best way to determine where exactly you are going wrong financially and reduce your monthly expenses. If you are not in the habit of evaluating your spending, it is quite possible that there is exactly where you are going wrong.
As I mentioned in my previous post, Top 5 Best Ways to Save Money, if you wish to see your money accumulate, you need to be intentional about it. You need to actually do something so that you can see positive results. Most of our spending habits are subconscious and until we become fully aware of what we spend our money on, we can never truly know where we go wrong.

6 Steps to Reduce Monthly Expenses.

Step 1: Take account of all spending.
The first thing you need to do is to identify all expenses. For one month, you will need to record all of your expenses, preferably in a notebook. If you buy a cup of coffee on your way to work, note it down. If you were running late and used a taxi, note it down.
At the end of your study month, sit down, go through all your expenses and categorize them into two columns, ESSENTIAL and NON-ESSENTIAL.
Next, tally up the total amount of money spent on each column, if the non-essentials way out the essentials- there is your answer!
Often, I find that people are usually shocked when confronted by the reality of their spending habits. It can be quite the surprise realizing that you eat $200 worth of fast food per month however, don’t worry you can only get better from there.

Step 2: Control your utilities.
Growing up, my father always insisted on us never leaving an empty room with the lights still on.  Although I did not see the significance of this small action, I still followed his advice albeit reluctantly. Fast forward, years have passed and I understand what he was trying to teach us.
When it comes to cutting down on monthly expenses, every coin counts. Save up on electricity by switching off the lights. Save up on your water bill by having quick showers.
These small actions contribute to the larger whole. You will be pleasantly surprised at the end of the month to find your bills lowered even if it is by a few bucks.

Step 3: Pay off your debt.
When it comes to debt, it is ALWAYS easier to get ahead of it- when you can. In my previous post, Top 5 Best Ways to Save Money, I advise on the importance of including your debt in your monthly budget.
If you intend to get rid of it, you need to have a plan on how exactly you plan to go about doing so- which I know is easier said than done. When it comes to paying off debt, I like to think of it as an investment in your freedom. Being in debt is stressful and tiresome, for that reason it is not very wise to prolong such torment. Sooner or later you will have to pay back money owed. If that’s the case, always opt for sooner, never later.
If you think you might need professional help tackling your debt or any financial hiccups, Financial Help for Families is a reliable finance company that specializes in providing financial advice.

Step 4: Reduce money on transportation.
According to a recent statistical survey, the average cost of maintaining a car is $8300! It therefore goes without saying that the average person, working an average job earning an average wage simply cannot afford this.
On the other hand, a whopping 95% of American households own cars…absurd.
One sure way to reduce on your expenses is by cutting your transportation costs. When you can, use public transport or carpool. Save money you would have spent on fuel. If you truly wish to go green, sell your car.

Step 5: Reduce money on entertainment.
Entertainment, every so often, is good. However, it is even better within controlled financial boundaries. Instead of going out, I always recommend entertaining from the comfort of your home instead. Instead of splurging on expensive store-bought goods, how about a meaningful handmade gift instead? Instead of going on an expensive date at an expensive dinner how about an intimate homemade dinner instead?
When it comes to reducing your monthly expenses, you just need to go about it cleverly. You don’t need to be frugal, you just need to be nifty.

Step 6: Save money on food.
One of my favorite ways of saving money is by creating a meal plan. A meal plan is a simple plan that outlines meals on a weekly basis. 

With the help of this plan, you will be able to resist the urge to order take-out or eat out unnecessarily.
You can also save money on food by buying non-perishable foods in bulk. Use coupons and offers where you can.
So there you have it- 6 simple steps to reducing your monthly expenses. Feel free to share with me the steps you use to reduce your monthly expenses, have I included any in the post above? You can also check out Financial Help for Families, if you feel you need professional help to nudge you in the right direction.

*this post contains affiliate links.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Top 5 Best Ways To Save Money.

I’m always asked, ‘how come it is easy for you to save money?’’ My reply to that is always the same, ‘saving money is about sacrifice.’’ The truth is, people who successfully manage to let their money accumulate are people who, simply put, are good at sacrificing. Saving money is about ‘denying’ yourself instant gratification in order to get something better for yourself in future.
Some of the best financial advice I ever received was this, ‘if you want to be wealthy, play defense rather than offense.’ Simply, it is easier to cultivate and grow the wealth you already have rather than accumulating new wealth.
In this article, I will share my top 5 tips to save money-(including a SpentMoneyApp that has worked wonders for me in the past.) These are the tips I live and abide by. Often, the hardest part to saving money is HOW to get started- I will advise you on that too!

5 best ways to save money.

1.  Label your saving accounts.

The easiest way to start saving is to get excited about something. Just stop and think for a second, what are you excited about that you are unable to currently afford?
Whether it’s a vacation trip, a new car, or a new phone, allow yourself to get excited to save up for it. This becomes the label of your new savings account.

What this simple trick does is- firstly, it makes you associate the money with the goal to be acquired. This will ensure you try harder at attaining it. Secondly, this simple trick will act as a tiny slap to your hand any time you try to skim a few bucks to spend on something that was not the intended goal.

2.   Budget

Budgeting your money is simply telling your money what to do.
A budget is a visual plan of how exactly you intend to spend your money. If you do not have such a plan, chances are you will find yourself straying and falling into the same old destructive financial patterns.
I love the quote by warren buffet that says, 
‘don’t save what is left over after spending, spend what is left over after saving.’’
I craft my budget around this quote and as you can probably guess, the first column on my budget always reads- SAVINGS (yes, in all caps). When it comes to saving your money, you need to intentional about it.
One of my favorite apps on my phone is my SpentMoneyApp. This is a handy app that has worked wonders for me when it comes to managing my money. It is incredibly easy to use and works like magic when it comes to making sure you do not stray from your money goals. I always recommend this app for people who are starting to get a lid on their finances because it worked out perfectly for me.

3.   Pay down your debt.

The age-old question has always been, ‘should I save or pay down my debt first?’

The truth is, there really is no correct way to go about it. Whether you decide to pay down your debts first, save your money first or do both at the same time (which I recommend), the bottom line is sooner or later, you will have to pay back money owed.
Include your debts in your budgeting. Be intentional about paying down your debts even if it’s a few bucks a month. The key is just get started on it.

4.     Get healthy.

This is my favorite part when it comes to saving money. It entails cutting off bad spending habits such as eating out unnecessarily and drinking overpriced coffee. This part entails giving your lifestyle a long hard look and cutting off unhealthy habits and saving on every corner. If you are going somewhere close by, walk. If you are feeling hungry, cook. If you feel like company, entertain at home. Eventually, you find yourself saving up on costs that you ordinarily wouldn’t have noticed.

5.     Spending versus saving.

A financial tip I was given a long time ago is, ‘be aware of every coin you spend.
Oftentimes, our spending habits are subconscious. We spend a bit here a bit there and at the end of the day, we can’t really tell where exactly our money has gone. You need to be conscious of the money you spend. Track and note it down if you can.
I bet you will be surprised by all the unnecessary things you buy!
So that’s it! My best tips when it comes to saving money. If it all feels a bit too much to process at once, I recommend getting the SpentMoneyApp app to get you started on the right track. Also, feel free to share with me any money saving tips I might have missed. I would love to hear how you strategize and save some coins too!

*this post contains affiliate links.

6 Simple Steps to Reduce Monthly Expenses

Studying your spending habits on a monthly basis is the best way to determine where exactly you are going wrong financially and reduce you...